The fierce debate concerning the presidency underscored t
he symbolic significance of the post in Turkey’s domestic balance of power. The headscarf that Gül’s wife wears for religious reasons was seen as an assault on Turkey’s sacrosanct principle of secularism. Indeed, outgoing Ahmet Necdet Sezer refused to invite the wives of AKP deputies who covered their hair to state dinners and Republic Day receptions. The President obviously represents the state, but he is not a mere figure head. After all, he sits in Ataturk’s chair. He has wide-ranging powers, including the authority to make senior government appointments. He appoints judges to high courts as well as the members to the Higher Educational Council (YOK). He selects the Presidents of state universities from a list submitted by the YOK. In times of peace, he is also the undisputed commander- in-chief of the armed forces of the nation.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007
An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative
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