The Vedic culture was conceived thousands of years back by the vedic masters who had a direct connection with the creator. This gyan was documented
by Rishi Vyas at the beginning of kalyug, approximately 5000 years back. A recent Oxford University study asserts that the ancestors of the British people were cannibals, as if calling them apes was not enough insult! Respect for creation and everything within it and beyond it, is characteristic of Indian culture. Our Vedic ancestors were descendents of Herculean beings who not only gave the world the knowledge of the material world but also the etheric world. Any serious practitioner of the subject of spiritual sciences would clearly see the devolution of mankind, which was anticipated by the Vedic Rishis hence they gave to the world tools as per the anticipated capacity of the beings who would inhabit this planet at different points of time – poetry, art, romance, economics, medicine, physics, chemistry, dance, music..........peace; you name it and they gave it.
Creation began from stillness, in the opening yug, In Satyug, the beings were highly evolved and had complete mastery over nature so Yoga existed as Shrotras (oral knowledge which was transmitted through the medium of dhwani). They were well aware that creation’s outermost manifested periphery was dhwani and it was this energy which will take them back to their source or will get them to yoga. Hence, the Vedas became the yoga of that yug.
According to Vedic cosmology, time is circular, one moves from stability towards chaos and again from chaos back to stability. With a change in the yug, devolution of man set in and so in the Treta yug shrotras were forgotten. Now only remembrances remained and smritis became the yoga of those beings – the path to evolution was simplified. In the next yug, Dwapar, the epics became the yoga, which were interpreted by the Gurus to suit the level of evolution of the Shishyas. The gyan of evolution was simplified further.
In the last and present yug, Kalyug, the ancients knew that the beings in this life would have a shorter lifespan and a myriad of desires. So, Rishi Patanjali, being aware of the suffering that was to befall in kalyug, imparted a simplified way to evolution, Ashtang Yoga.
The beings of kalyug only understand the dictates of quick money and beauty. As demand creates supply, distorted physical aspects of yoga, asanas and pranayams, began to be sold off as secrets to a healthy and beautiful body. Perhaps, it is the law of karma at work. India, exploited for centuries, is now getting back at the world. The negative karma generated by the world is being balanced out by these so-called yoga gurus who are themselves steeped in maya. We have forgotten here that a practitioner of Sanatan Kriya or ashtanga yoga if practiced in totality would get beauty and health as a by product, the main benefit would remain evolution.

Creation began from stillness, in the opening yug, In Satyug, the beings were highly evolved and had complete mastery over nature so Yoga existed as Shrotras (oral knowledge which was transmitted through the medium of dhwani). They were well aware that creation’s outermost manifested periphery was dhwani and it was this energy which will take them back to their source or will get them to yoga. Hence, the Vedas became the yoga of that yug.
According to Vedic cosmology, time is circular, one moves from stability towards chaos and again from chaos back to stability. With a change in the yug, devolution of man set in and so in the Treta yug shrotras were forgotten. Now only remembrances remained and smritis became the yoga of those beings – the path to evolution was simplified. In the next yug, Dwapar, the epics became the yoga, which were interpreted by the Gurus to suit the level of evolution of the Shishyas. The gyan of evolution was simplified further.
In the last and present yug, Kalyug, the ancients knew that the beings in this life would have a shorter lifespan and a myriad of desires. So, Rishi Patanjali, being aware of the suffering that was to befall in kalyug, imparted a simplified way to evolution, Ashtang Yoga.
The beings of kalyug only understand the dictates of quick money and beauty. As demand creates supply, distorted physical aspects of yoga, asanas and pranayams, began to be sold off as secrets to a healthy and beautiful body. Perhaps, it is the law of karma at work. India, exploited for centuries, is now getting back at the world. The negative karma generated by the world is being balanced out by these so-called yoga gurus who are themselves steeped in maya. We have forgotten here that a practitioner of Sanatan Kriya or ashtanga yoga if practiced in totality would get beauty and health as a by product, the main benefit would remain evolution.
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