So, what was McCann like when Prasoon moseyed across from Ogilvy? Here’s Prasoon’s own take. “Initially scary! More like a Transit
Lounge than an organisation offering growth prospects, stability and confidence! Many big names (Alyque Padamse, Vikas Gaitonde, Naved Akhtar-Freddy Birdy) who came and went were flung my way. The general belief was that the place was beyond redemption or repair and friends advised me to have a blast while the going was good and clear out,” he says. Joshi identified the problem as only a creative person could. “My impression was that no one really felt, cared or loved the agency and considered it their own. They felt no pain when derogatory remarks were made about it. Kaunsa baap ki company hai. Kaam karo aur shaamko niklo. Sab anaath jaise the… This was sad.” Prasoon gave himself a sharp & clear-cut agenda. He was determined to change this by mobilising, inspiring, motivating and charging up the guys into making the “product” look really good!
And did he succeed! In just a couple of years of Prasoon joining McCann, the agency, earlier known mostly for its ‘consumer insights’ acquired a formidable reputation as an agency with ‘big ideas’ that could creatively take on the best in the business. “That’s something I knew and had done before, successfully.” Prasoon was also hell-bent on destroying another deadly roadblock – Compartmentalisation. Good, effective, creative-driven communication that works in the market place, he believed, is everybody’s business. The big picture had to be seen, noted and remembered every day, by everyone. It was not the sole responsibility of a chosen few. “Pride was the key.” He received tremendous help and support from both Nikhil Nehru and Santosh Desai (then bosses at McCann) in this effort and he can’t thank them enough. Any comparison with Ogilvy is quickly put aside with “It’s wrong and unfair to compare. They’ve been around forever, while McCann in its new avatar, has been in the ad space, for maybe, a decade or so? Besides Brand Ogilvy was built by stalwarts like Mani Iyer, Suresh Mullick, Ranjan Kapur… that’s a tough act to follow, yaar!”

And did he succeed! In just a couple of years of Prasoon joining McCann, the agency, earlier known mostly for its ‘consumer insights’ acquired a formidable reputation as an agency with ‘big ideas’ that could creatively take on the best in the business. “That’s something I knew and had done before, successfully.” Prasoon was also hell-bent on destroying another deadly roadblock – Compartmentalisation. Good, effective, creative-driven communication that works in the market place, he believed, is everybody’s business. The big picture had to be seen, noted and remembered every day, by everyone. It was not the sole responsibility of a chosen few. “Pride was the key.” He received tremendous help and support from both Nikhil Nehru and Santosh Desai (then bosses at McCann) in this effort and he can’t thank them enough. Any comparison with Ogilvy is quickly put aside with “It’s wrong and unfair to compare. They’ve been around forever, while McCann in its new avatar, has been in the ad space, for maybe, a decade or so? Besides Brand Ogilvy was built by stalwarts like Mani Iyer, Suresh Mullick, Ranjan Kapur… that’s a tough act to follow, yaar!”
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